About APSSRA 2024
About APSSRA 2024
Welcome Message - APSSRA 2024 Honorary Chair
  • About APSSRA
  • Welcome Message - APSSRA 2024 Honorary Chair
  • Welcome Message - APSSRA 2024 Chair
  • Welcome Message - KIBSE President
  • Organization
  • Venue (UECO & UNIST)
Welcome Message
Dear APSSRA 2024 Participants,  

As the honorary chair of the 8th Asian-Pacific Symposium on Structural Reliability and Its Applications (APSSRA 2024), it is my great pleasure to give you this welcoming message. APSSRA has been held every four years, and this marks the eighth time, following the symposium in Tokyo, Japan in 2020. It has contributed to the collaborative research advancement between researchers and become one of the important international conferences in the field of structural reliability. In particular, as the APSSRA 2024 is the first APSSRA held after COVID-19, I hope that it will be a valuable opportunity to share recent technology developments and to cultivate friendship and future collaborations among the participants in structural engineering including structural reliability. 

    Chung-Bang Yun
    Honorary Chair of the APSSRA 2024 Conference