General Information
General Information
Useful Information
  • Accommodation
  • Transportation
  • About Ulsan
  • Useful Information
Useful Information
South Korean Standard Time: UTC/GMT +9 hours (Daylight Saving Time is not applied in Korea)
If you want to know the current time in South Korea, Click:
1,000won 5,000 won 10,000 won 50,000 won
10 won 50 won 100 won 500 won
If you want to check currency rates, Click:
When you need to exchange your foreign currency into Korean won, visit a bank or authorized exchange service center. Banks are generally open 09:00-16:00 on weekdays.   Upon arrival or before departure, travelers can easily convert their money into the local currency at bank branches and money exchangers located within the airport. The hours and locations vary by bank, so we recommend checking in advance.
Value-added tax (VAT) is included on most goods and services that you are provided in Korea. The standard rate of VAT is 10% and it is included in the retail price.
Tipping is not a regular practice in Korea, and service charges are usually included in the consumer price.
Roaming Service
After arriving in airport, you can proceed to 'roaming center' desks and get your mobile devices connected immediately with local network service. All international airports have roaming center, and the service will be provided after simple registration.

For more information about roaming service, refer three roaming service centers’ links below.
KT Roaming Center, Click :
SK TELECOM Roaming Center, Click :
SIM Card Purchase
Other than roaming service, you can use your mobile devices by replacing your SIM card to local SIM card. This way is cheaper in most cases.
In order to purchase SIM card, you can visit convenient stores in airport, downtown, and nearby tourist attractions.
Or you can purchase SIM card through online in advance and receive it at the airport you arrive.
Here are websites where you can purchase SIM card.
- KT Mobile:
Electricity & Voltage
Voltage : 220 volts (The outlet has two round holes.)
Most hotels provide 220 volts outlets for shavers. Please always check the power supply before using your equipment
Emergency Situation
Emergency call numbers are 112 for police, and 119 for fire/rescue and hospital services (though spoken in Korean). A hotel front desk or hotel manager can arrange for a doctor or an ambulance. In addition, International SOS Korea (+82-2-790-7561) provides a 24-hour emergency service for foreigners, acting as a link between patients and Korean hospitals with a charge. BBB offers translation service by volunteers using cellular phones, to reduce language difficulties that foreign tourists might experience during their visit to Korea.